Another Pen for Western Culture

Friday, March 24, 2006

France Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Because it Leads to Adoption by Same Sex Couples

Sometimes the news is surprising. Consider the following statement on children and families from the French National Assembly:

The best interests of the child must prevail over adult freedoms... even including the lifestyle choices of parents. The legislator is not obligated to adopt the most permissive foreign legislation. . . . Countries that have opened up marriage to same sex couples have all authorized adoption by these couples. . . .

Marriage is . . . a framework with rights and obligations conceived in order to welcome the child and provide for his harmonious development. Thus, marriage is the only structure reserved strictly for heterosexual couples. . . .

The purpose of adoption is not to provide a child to a family but rather provide a family to a child ...

Given the original trauma of his personal history, the adopted child requires the judicial and emotional security that only married [heterosexual] parents can provide. Favoring equality for adults would bring about a greater inequality towards children. . . .

You can read more here.


  • Who'd a thunk it? I'm astonished!
    But I agree with them.
    Our world is such a mess, isn't it?
    Not only this issue, but SO MANY
    single-parent homes, etc. and millions of foster children with no roots at all.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:44 PM, March 24, 2006  

  • It is also quite possible that the growing trend toward gay adoptions will discourage some mothers from choosing adoption as an alternative to abortion. Those who resist abortion are often people who would resist gay adoption.

    (Maybe W and I should adopt a few just to provide what France would describe as a better - if impoverished - home.) Don't tell her I said that, though.

    By Blogger S., at 2:23 PM, March 24, 2006  

  • Well, I heard Marshall did say the other week that he'd like more brothers and sisters. Maybe he could teach them about horses and Twila could teach them about writing?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, March 26, 2006  

  • You should have heard Marshall's story just now: "So Austin, he hit me. And I told his teacher and she said, 'AUSTIN!' and he said, 'Whuut?,' and she said, 'COME HERE!' and then she asked him 'DID YOU HIT MARSHALL?!' and he said, 'noooo.'

    "But I wasn't lying. Austin was the one who was lying...."

    Anyway, by the time he was done with all the voices and dialogue you'd have thought he was Twila. Some good storytelling for an illiterate little cuss.

    By Blogger S., at 7:34 PM, March 26, 2006  

  • The Katy Cowboy's just keeping up the Wales storytelling tradition. I know you're a proud patriarch of both your offspring.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:27 PM, March 28, 2006  

  • True-er words, my friend, true-er words...

    By Blogger S., at 7:34 AM, March 29, 2006  

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