Another Pen for Western Culture

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Can You Name Five First-Amendment Rights?

Neither can anyone else. But if you can get the first four, you're doing better than most. It seems we know the Simpsons better than the First Amendment.

Quiz yourself. Can you name all five?

To the first person to name all five First Amendment rights without having looked them up during the last week, I hereby assign by Quit-Claim Deed my stake in a border-town tort verdict.

(No cheating!)


  • Ah, but can you quote Colossians?

    I only know Homer, unless you count the Simpsons at church.

    We have the right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
    the right to bear arms, freedom
    of the press, and something to
    do with a speedy trial by a jury
    of our peers, I think.

    It is hard to remember this while
    I'm watching A-I.

    Did I win anything? Did I want

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:25 PM, March 01, 2006  

  • I think the phrase is "petition for a redress of grievances," but WOW! That is outstanding. The article says only one person in 1,000 could name all five! No one else will, I feel confident....

    By Blogger S., at 10:44 AM, March 02, 2006  

  • Whooops! I misread your answer, shocked as I was to see the last one. But you missed one of the freedoms in the First Amendment, and substituted the Second Amendment in its place--the right to bear arms. So, no tort winnings for you.... Sorry. (But I am still impressed.)

    (Now someone needs to think of the one we're missing....)

    By Blogger S., at 8:34 AM, March 03, 2006  

  • I told you I didn't think they
    were right! And I am totally
    clueless regarding the photo
    at the top of your blog, despite
    Carter's explanation.
    But it's purty.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:17 AM, March 03, 2006  

  • freedom of speech, assembly, press, protest, and worship- not in that order, but that's what I recall.

    By Blogger The Doctor, at 2:37 PM, March 05, 2006  

  • Good job. 'Course I'm mainly giving credit for the one not named above... assembly. People don't think too much about it--but it's a huge deal in places like China where church and bible study are so often illegal....

    By Blogger S., at 10:15 PM, March 05, 2006  

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