President Obama and the Heretics
Barack Obama is not a Muslim. That much is clear, though there are good reasons to ask the question. But he is a member of a false religion nonetheless. Unfortunately, like all heresies, his "church" does not seek to annihilate Christendom, but merely to alter it slightly.
Nevertheless, Black Liberation Theology, especially as preached by Obama's pastor, is so radically different from the gospel of the New Testament as to constitute a new gospel altogether.
In Galatians 1: 8 Paul writes, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should come to you preaching a gospel that is contrary to what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."
Nevertheless, Black Liberation Theology, especially as preached by Obama's pastor, is so radically different from the gospel of the New Testament as to constitute a new gospel altogether.
In Galatians 1: 8 Paul writes, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should come to you preaching a gospel that is contrary to what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."
Michael Savage posted some links to this "Reverend's" sermons.
Apparently, he thinks Jesus was black and was oppressed by white people(i.e, the Romans). As Savage aptly remarked, that would be like a preacher in Hitler's Germany saying Jesus was a Aryan Gentile oppressed by Jews.
The very fact that BHO sat under this man's preaching and gave time, money and raised his children in a church that would spew this kind of error(to describe it mildly) shows a huge lack of discernment for a man who aspires to be leader of the free world.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM, March 13, 2008
The very fact that BHO sat under this man's preaching and gave time, money and raised his children in a church that would spew this kind of error(to describe it mildly) shows a huge lack of discernment for a man who aspires to be leader of the free world.
S., at 11:51 AM, March 14, 2008
Thank you, sir.
Here's more from the pastor who BHO's trying to throw under the bus now that his "great mentor" is costing him votes.
I do agree with this "pastor" about Billary, though. In no way was wealthy, Wellesley educated Hillary ever an "oppressed victim" of America. She's always been a beneficiary of America. Meanwhile, the only thing her ever-lovin' hubby only cared about African-Americans was getting them to the polling places on election day in 1992 and 1996. When I watched Bill O'Reilly a few years back, he asked a Clinton supporter who was black something tangible that the 42nd president actually did for the black community, he responded by saying "He gave us hope." Sound familiar?
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM, March 15, 2008
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