Other Bests of 2005
1. Best fiction book: KITE RUNNER.
2. Best new hobby: BLOGGING.
3. Best new way to waste time: SEE #2.
4. Best trip: San Francisco and surrounding.
5. Most inspiring moment in nature: Being surrounded by GIANT SEQUOIAS, trees over 300 feet tall (30 stories) and 1,500 to 2,000 years old.
6. Most expensive problem: a tort reform measure that I agree with--but it killed my job, and those of at least 200 buddies of mine.... (It was SO fun!)
7. Favorite indoor family times: Watching Little House on the Prairie on DVD. We're on season five, and the kids LOVE it. We love it for the great, often expressly Biblical messages.
8. Professional disappointment: Despite a few powerful connections in D.C., we failed to get a review published that I had written on a very serious and important book, Freeing God's Children. I had warm e-mail exchanges with editors at National Review, Weekly Standard, Human Events, etc., but the review window had passed. (Maybe I'll post it, now that there's #2....) (Oh, and there's that job hunting thing.)
9. Biggest prayer request for myself: to be a GOOD STEWARD. Those are the words, and it encompasses a lot. But it's generally a concern about finances.
10. Most visible answered prayer: more sweetness on the home front.
11. Most interesting Christmas gift: at present, the huge basketball goal which I just assembled myself (8.9 billable hours), complete with 153 moving parts, a spring-loaded rim, a fiberglass backboard, and height adjustments from 7.5' to 10'. (But this stack of books is awesome, too!!)
12. Gift that almost got a squeal out of me: a book from Dennis--I'd been hunting for it for over a year--STIFF: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach.
13. Hank Hill problem: my lawn was lush and green and splendorific, till the fungus got to it.
14. Most painful thing of 2005: indifference, what else?
15. Favorite past-time of 2005: from the NL playoffs on, the kids and I played so much baseball. It's been a blast. (But it's all basketball now.)
16. Chronic health problem: ALLERGIES. Ask your doctor about Claritin. (I saw his stash there next to his passport.) Ol' Loratadine used to be a miracle drug, but not so much anymore.
17. Greatest blessing that didn't happen: We were unable to locate anyone with whom to share our home after the massive Katrina evacuations. We contacted three families, but it was not meant to be. One family had all their stuff sent over, we rearranged our lives, we moved out of the master bedroom so they could have their own bed and bath with privacy, but they got nervous and moved into a hotel before we ever met.
Enough of listmania. Were I to sum up the year, I might give it a negative rating, overall. Maybe an 80 (when I was a teacher an '80' meant you got a 'B' but you probably didn't deserve it). I'm just too optimistic to go lower, not without a death in the family. But we have the hope of heaven, too. And that changes everything. Making the list above reminds me of a great many things I didn't like about 2005, and most of them are ongoing. They're no one's fault, really, just transitions, changes. God brings you to a new place and things can seem hard. And I guess I could wallow in it. (Wallow--you know that's a metaphor that makes the wallower a pig, a hog wallowing in the mud and loving it.) Anyway, I might complain, but when I look at 2005, it's not like a picture on a calendar. It's a window. When I look through that glass darkly, I'm reminded that every single tear, every little complaint I may have, is an opportunity to store up treasure in Heaven. And I can't complain about that at all. Heaven is real life. Heaven's your real home. And getting there, this life recedes the way a dream dies with the coming of the day. So, on balance, 'twas a fine year. Some earthly rewards, some heavenly. I'm brave enough to wish I had more of the heavenly. No--it's not brave. Just knowledge. The certainty of Heavenly rewards makes me want more. But that's another post. Still, one of my favorite books ever is Joni's Heaven: Your Real Home. That book can change your life. (Didn't reread it in 2005, but went to it again and again as a reference.)
Religion is unprofessional is probably why. But stand for it, follow it up. There are many roads...
Why no best music of 2005?
All the best for 2006
BD, at 10:51 AM, January 03, 2006
E--about the negative rating, I left off all the "worsts" that were either too raw or just devoid of humor. I mean, we could all come up with a long list if we had to, and it's not productive.
BD--You know, I tried to think of a best music, but couldn't. Everything I thought of was from 2004. That year it might have been the soundtrack to "Oh Brother Where Art Thou?"
Oh--last week my kids discovered the Les Mis cast recording, and that was so fun for me. You should hear Marshall going around the house singing "I'm John BalJOHN!!" and diving off the furniture with a sword....
S., at 12:13 PM, January 03, 2006
Well, why didn't you have him do that for me today??
Anonymous, at 4:35 PM, January 03, 2006
Guess I forgot--and he's not much for performing on demand, you know? Have to catch him in the mood. Or mention Valjean but don't say any more, just get him thinking.... We listened to it again going home.
S., at 8:50 PM, January 03, 2006
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