Another Pen for Western Culture

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why Do Voters Always Swoon for the New Guy?

You know the old story--a new girl moves to town and every boy in school wants her number, each one hopes he'll be the one carrying her books home, tutoring her in chemistry, being the perfect host and winning the damsel's heart. But then reality sets in: someone gets the brush-off, she chooses a few girls to confide in and suddenly she has her friends, her clique, her place and role, and most of the boys know she'll forget their initial kindnesses soon enough. Still, the infatuation was fun while it lasted.

But maybe choosing the leader of the free world ought to be different. Maybe we should consider wisdom, experience, a voting record, a lifetime of service. Maybe some things matter more than a charming face and voice you're not bored with.

Yet Americans keep leaping for the new guy, for young blood, for "change." They were infatuated with Carter and Clinton. Those one-night stands turned out really well. (Remember that song, "Oh, the Girls All Get Prettier at Closing Time"?)
After Democrat Carter we had Democrats Bill and Hillary, whose own rise from nowhere was greeted with the same numbskull adoration that the media are now ready to bestow on Obama.

Consider another great article.


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