Another Pen for Western Culture

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Well, I'd ululate too...

. . . if I failed to check my sources.

It seems the world of Islamo-fascists, always a tinder-box, may have been set aflame deliberately. Apparently, the radical Imams couldn't elicit much reaction with those dull Danish cartoons. So they added a few of their own. No one bothered to check the original source.

Not to change the subject, but I love footnotes. Do you? I love them. (They provide an excellent place to chase rabbits and dump those distracting tangents.) I don't always read every one, but seeing them there reassures me that the writer has done his homework. And if I want to read more, I can. If I want to verify, no problem. In law school I edited a journal. And I was surprised and saddened at the often sloppy work done with footnotes. Professors got the page numbers wrong, or even titles of cases or books. Law students occasionally copied footnotes from other sources verbatim (the same way they wrote much of the paper, it seems) and expected to get away with the obvious plagiarism. But most of us did it right. The editing team (a fascinating process, actually) changed not one of the 500 footnotes I wrote in my opus. (The process requires the author to recuse himself when his own paper is involved.)

They fouled up a lot of grammar, however, which I was allowed to change back, provided I could cite rules that trumped theirs. It was delicious. For example, one editor's zeal for the law caused him to butcher a common expression in a misguided attempt to prevent ending a sentence in a preposition. It came out: "A detailed report is a force with which to be reckoned." I let that one slide, but only to throw them a bone, after I had changed over 60 previous edits. But I missed one that still irks me. The same editor left me writing about the "Russian programs against Jews." He was evidently unfamiliar with the term I had used (in a direct quote, no less).

But should the Islamo-fascist world continue to be lied to and set on fire by its leaders, perhaps Pogram will be a word we'll become familiar with once again.


  • Now let me understand this. I have just looked up "ululate" and now you want me to check out
    "pogram?" Two new words in one

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, February 09, 2006  

  • I must have hit a wrong button.
    That is not worthy of anonymous

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:47 PM, February 09, 2006  

  • I love you! You know that? You're the greatest. (And I am so sick, now. I want my mommy....)

    By Blogger S., at 1:33 PM, February 10, 2006  

  • Did you ever read those Berrybender novels by McMurtry? They're pretty good. And oddly, he has the western cowboy/mountain man figure who has a dash of pentecostalism and when angered, he ululates. Indians call him the "Sin Killer" and when they hear the horribly cry, they're so terrified they are dumbstruck....

    By Blogger S., at 1:36 PM, February 10, 2006  

  • No, but go to Trey's blog to see some political cartoons from the
    middle east, etc. (Link through doc's site.)
    They do more than ululate.
    I'm so sorry you're sick!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:30 PM, February 10, 2006  

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