Another Pen for Western Culture

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Vicente Fox's Double Standard

Just promise me you'll read the article below.

I'll concede: most of us barely understand our American citizenship, we want out of jury duty (a high honor), we rarely vote, and our political loyalties are based more on hype and emotion than reasoned arguments. But generally speaking, locals still understand and contribute to the American system better than immigrants. That's just the facts--it's nobody's fault. (And pardon me, but there's a difference between those seeking political asylum, such as Vietnamese and Cambodians, who happily sever all ties with the homeland and cleave to the open arms of Lady Liberty, and those who go back and forth with the seasons, earning dollars they will go home and spend in Mexico, only to come back the following spring. It's not terrorism, but it's no great contribution to the American cause.)

But those in governance--even Vicente the Fox--do understand certain truths. One is that your home comes first. Jerusalem comes before Judea and the ends of the earth. And there is value in a sense of a national identity. Borders matter, not because of who they keep out, but because they point out the distinctions. Spain once owned the land I sit on, but France owned much more. I don't see the French arguing that this land is there land. Enough rambling.

Just consider this article by Larry Elder.


  • steven - you've outlined our situation so well. i just don't know what to think of it all...what the answer is. it makes me want to go into politics, to try and right the ship in any small way possible.

    By Blogger J C, at 10:26 AM, April 25, 2006  

  • I think it'll take a big event. They say Bin laden is planning another attack. If he were to attack via tanker trucks illegally driving in from Baja--then maybe blow up a few Hollywood studios--THAT sort of thing would galvanize support for a more serious approach to borders and national security.


    By Blogger S., at 10:43 AM, April 25, 2006  

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