Another Pen for Western Culture

Monday, February 13, 2006

Let it Snow

I love snow. Sure, tort-reform has left me "under-employed." Sure, the Bush Administration hates lawyers. Sure, Dick Cheney has decided to start shooting Texas attorneys on sight. But hey, you can't beat snow. It's so peaceful, you know? Sort of makes it all better. Good old snow.


  • i agree

    stupid tort-reform

    By Blogger J C, at 4:38 PM, February 13, 2006  

  • And stupid stupid stupid media
    circus over the Cheney incident.
    His friend didn't notify them
    that he was returning and
    walked into the line of fire.

    Not notifying the media before
    getting medical assistance seems
    to be a cardinal sin (not that I
    believe in cardinal sin) and I am
    sick sick sick of the whole thing.

    Tort reform, too, to be sure.

    And I do love snow, but maybe not
    26", especially when it starts to
    melt into grubby slush.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, February 13, 2006  

  • Well, someone's gotten under your skin, huh? Cheney did it though; that's the bottom line. And you can brace yourself for a good two weeks of non-stop humor. I'm looking forward to it, in a way. I mean, it's so stupid, and so made to order for the "Cowboy" Bush administration.

    But the post above was all tongue-in-cheek. (And though I would like to be busier, the tort-reform in Texas has nothing to do with Bush--and as for the law in question, I'm not entirely against it. I just wish it hadn't affected me right now.)

    By Blogger S., at 8:22 PM, February 13, 2006  

  • As I understood it, the friend sasheyed (that's a
    Texas-y word meaning walked, if you didn't know) right in front of the gun or the area it was pointed at in search of the quail. What a nu nu. He was supposed to notify them when he was returning, but just walked on up there.
    And it's a slow news day, so there
    you have it. But it drives me nuts to see the slant something this silly gets.
    I envy you your gorgeous climate.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:20 PM, February 14, 2006  

  • Well, we only get an inch of snow every decade or so....

    And I gotta agree with Cliff. Even if it's not Cheney's fault--and it probably wasn't--he's the vice president. It's just too funny. There's no escaping it. I just hope Mr. Whittington doesn't die now that the undocumented worker-pellet has snuck across the border into myocardial infarction land. Then it won't really be so funny anymore.

    Remember when Quayle told a child that 'potato' ended in 'e'? And Al Gore said he helped invent the internet? And Bush 41 threw up on the Japanese dignitary (but I don't think he was veep at the time).

    Some things are just easy pickins. It's open season on anything done by a president and his vp, just like it's now open season on Texas attorneys. (Kidding again.)

    By Blogger S., at 2:01 PM, February 14, 2006  

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