Another Pen for Western Culture

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

TRO issued against local school

A local principal has achieved infamy here in Katy for her anti-religious zeal. (For those who can describe Ken Starr's White House investigation as nothing more than a Federal Judge's personal obsession with illicit sex, how would you describe this lady?)

For example, some schools issue uniforms to prevent kids from showing up in gang colors (the Bloods and the Cryps being well-documented criminal organizations with thousands of members across the nation and a history of violent crime). But at Pattison Elementary, the rule is no one can wear any red or green at any time during the entire month of December. Why? Because some impressionable (and apparently clairvoyant) child might interpret that as an endorsement of Christianity.

There's been a lawsuit in the works, but it was Principal Scrooge's Executive Orders regarding Valentine's Day that provoked the Court to issue the unusual measure of a Temporary Restraining Order. (And most of us don't consider Valentine's Day a religious holiday in the first place!)

(Yes, this is the same district that initially refused to let me sub because I had a speeding ticket.)


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