Another Pen for Western Culture

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

P.S. On Cheney Humor

The jokes are funny. But the allegedly serious comments are annoying. Reporters (I didn't get the name) who insist Cheney was drunk ("that's what hunting is all about, right?") are completely irresponsible. And Mrs. Slick Willie calls the White House "less than forthcoming." I guess she would know.

As hilarious as the jokes are, none would be funny if we didn't live with the constant din of radical-liberal babble in our ears every day. It's only the alternative universe with which we co-exist that makes all this funny. The following premises are all lies. But you hear them so often, they sound true, and they are "true" in a way--true within the fictional world of those who believe them.

To find any of this humorous, you must accept the following--but only as part of the fictional parallel universe of George Clooney, Michael Moore, et al.:

1. The Bush Administration is a posse of cowboys who love to play with guns.
2. The Administration hates lawyers (as opposed to frivolous lawsuits).
3. The Administration loves war, and loves to fight and slaughter its enemies.
4. The Administration does not care about innocent victims and believes American soldiers are expendable.
5. Cheney is a privileged fat cat who thinks he deserves special treatment.
6. Cheney is secretly on the payroll of Halliburton--in spite of his sale of all stock before the 2000 election.
7. No one but the Bush Administration believed Saddam had WMDs. They acted unilaterally--with no support from Democrats or any other nations. (How soon we forget that the majority of the Democratic party voted for the war and the whole world knew Saddam was flouting the UN weapons inspectors--who also believed he had WMDs.)


I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney
Than ride with Ted Kennedy.


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